Jonathan Hickman and Sandford Greene are launching a Doctor Doom one-shot from Marvel. Daniel Warren Johnson may (or may not) be leaving Transformers. DC Comics forgot they were publishing Mister Miracle. All on Comic Book Club News for February 12, 2024.
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Episode Transcript:
Jonathan Hickman gets doomed.
Is Daniel Warren Johnson leaving Transformers?
DC forgot about Mister Miracle.
This is Comic Book Club News for February 12, 2024.
Jonathan Hickman And Sandford Greene Tackling Doctor Doom For Marvel:
Jonathan Hickman is a busy guy. Though he leaped ship from X-Men, the big story he kicked off years ago is finally wrapping up in those titles. Meanwhile, he’s helped relaunch the Ultimate Universe and is writing Ultimate Spider-Man, a bonafide hit. Plus, he’s got G.O.D.S., which is ongoing, as well. So naturally, he’s making time for a one-shot focused on Doctor Doom.
Even better, the issue, appropriately titled Doom #1, will have art by the always excellent Sandford Greene. Said Greene via press release provided to Comic Book Club News: “Growing up reading Marvel comics, I became fascinated by Doctor Doom and how he potentially is the center of the entire Marvel Universe! He is one of my bucket list characters and this story is somewhat a love letter to Doom and Marvel.”
Added Hickman: “Sanford and I have been waiting to work together for quite a while, so when he told me that he’d come up with an amazing Doom story and he wanted me to help out, I jumped at the chance. It’s a giant-sized story about a giant-sized character and I can’t tell you how excited I am to get to write Doom again.”
As noted, this is the first time Hickman has written Doom since Secret Wars back in 2015. This time around, the team is jumping to the future of the Marvel Universe to show a battle between Doom and Galactus, with Valeria Richards waiting in the wings.
The big question: why is Hickman writing this? Is this a fun one-off? Or is it setting up something bigger down the road? The issue will hit stores on May 15, 2024.
Is Daniel Warren Johnson Leaving Transformers After Issue #12?
Daniel Warren Johnson’s Transformers comic has been a highlight for the past few months. And though we knew he would be moving to writing duties only with issue #7, as Jorge Corona takes over on art, it now seems like Johnson might also be moving on from writing after the second arc of the series.
The news comes from Johnson’s recent email newsletter, which told fans that he had just finished inking his last page of Transformers #6, will be drawing the “A” covers for the next arc, and touted that Corona is “slaying” the pages for issues 7 through 12.
Later in the newsletter, though, Johnson says, “Now that my art duties on TF have wrapped, I’m already working on the next project. It’s something that I’ve never done before and I’m really excited to share it with you all. There should be an announcement within the next couple of months, so stay tuned, and as always, thank you for your support!”
Over at The Beat, they speculate that coupled with Johnson saying he’s so glad to be part of the relaunch, and writing Optimus Prime and the gang has been “a dream” seems to indicate that Johnson may be saying goodbye to the title. While it’s certainly possible he could be moving on to other things after two arcs on the series, there’s no explicit confirmation either way. We’ve reached out to Skybound for comment, though did not hear back as of this recording.
DC Forgot They Were Publishing Mister Miracle:
Mister Miracle is a lauded DC Comics series by writer Tom King and artist Mitch Gerads. However, it turns out DC forgot they were publishing the book until three issues were already done.
The news comes via Popverse from Megacon 2024 in Orlando on February 2. In a spotlight panel on King, attended by Gerads, the duo recalled how EIC Dan Didio wanted them to “just do Vision again,” the also lauded Marvel series King had previously created with Gabriel Walta. He gave them a choice of Atomic Knight or Mister Miracle, King chose the latter, and they ran with it.
However, by the time three issues were done, it had somehow gotten lost in the shuffle. Said Gerads: “We literally think DC forgot they were doing it. I did three issues, and I was like, ‘Here’s the issues.’ And they were like, ‘What?! This is about suicide! We can’t do this.’ And I was like ‘They’re done.’ … Mark Doyle was the original editor, and he was the one forgot.”
At least part of the problem seems to be a changeover between Doyle, and incoming editor Jamie S. Rich. But, and this may shock you, the series did come out to great acclaim. It’s a real miracle. A Mister Miracle.
For Comic Book Club News, I’m Alex Zalben.
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