Peacemaker Tries Hard #6 wraps up the DC Comics Black Label book with heart and humor. It’s also perfect for fans of the Max TV series.
We reviewed the book on the Stack podcast. But in the interest of highlighting more about the title, here’s a summary of the conversation with our thoughts. And if you prefer the longer audio version, that’s below as well!
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Peacemaker Tries Hard #6 Review:
Kyle Starks and Steve Pugh finish their Black Label story with one big death, some explosions, and also a birthday party.
Host Alex Zalben said that this whole series is, “perfect for fans of the TV show, to the point that Peacemaker even looks like John Cena.” Continuing the perfect bent, and more to the point of the comic, he said, “This wraps up perfectly. It is very funny, very sweet, sad, and heartfelt at the same time… I had a blast reading this book, and if you missed it, definitely pick it up at the trade because it’s a very fun one.”
Justin Tyler gave a shout-out to classic DC superhero The Red Bee, “a character that I really came to love over the course of this series.” He also loved the “big action,” like when the War Wheel collides with Chemo midway through the issue. “Really nice to go out with a bang, while still having time to get back to Peacemaker’s bonafides for the back half of the comic.”
Zalben once again called out comparisons to the TV show, saying that the book hits the right mix of “profanity” and “ridiculous, over-the-top” sequences… But never forgets that Peacemaker “is a real guy who really is trying hard, per the title.” He also shouted out Steve Pugh’s art, calling him “the commensurate DC comedy artist at this point.”
Peacemaker Tries Hard #6 Official Synopsis:
Peacemaker took on Deathstroke (kinda), Chemo, even the War Wheel, and can now confidently call himself a hero. But with all the death and destruction in his wake, was it all worth it? More importantly, is anyone going to come to his birthday party?