Dickie Dauntless’s real origin is revealed in Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham’s Miracleman: The Silver Age #6. And yes, it’s even darker than you might expect.
We reviewed the book on the Stack podcast. But in the interest of highlighting more about the title, here’s a summary of the conversation with our thoughts. And if you prefer the longer audio version, that’s below as well!
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Miracleman: The Silver Age #6 Review:
After several decades dormant, Marvel is finally continuing the classic comic with Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham collaborating once again to flesh out the origin of Young Miracleman.
Reviewer Alex Zalben noted that the issue is, “very dark. It’s very real, and purposefully so, contrasting with the more wild, over-the-top superhero elements of Miracleman.”
In fact, he also felt this issue finally answered the question of what this story is about, and why it was important to tell the story of Dickie Dauntless. “And Mark Buckingham’s art, as always, is pitch perfect,” Zalben added.
Pete LePage agreed, adding, “In this issue, things really start clicking… We’re getting away from the older material and starting our own story with what’s going on.” He said he “could really feel the pickup in this issue,” particularly with the way at the start of the issue, “the panels zoom in and get really close.”
Meanwhile, Justin Tyler was surprised more people aren’t talking about the book. “Well, it’s interesting that there’s a Neil Gaiman book that’s been on the stands for the past six months,” Tyler said, “that is very under-heralded. This book is not often talked about unless I’m missing some corner of the internet that’s really getting into it.”
Tyler called it a “dark exploration, a coming of age story,” and noted that with the final issue coming next month, “I’m really curious where it’s gonna land next issue because that to me is an absolute up in the air question.”
Miracleman: The Silver Age #6 Official Synopsis:
Young Miracleman has been found. Now what? One Miracleman decided to destroy the world and almost did. Another Miracleman decided to rebuild the world in his own image and DID IT. What will this Miracleman do?