Star Wars
Star Wars is a movie franchise created in 1977 by George Lucas. Since the original trilogy in the ’70s and ’80s, the property has expanded dramatically. Three trilogies, multiple spinoff movies, live-action and animated TV shows… Star Wars has tackled it all. That’s not to mention the hundreds of issues of comic books, novels, and of course toys. So very many toys.
Taking place a long time ago, Star Wars focuses on the eternal struggle between the Dark Side, and the Light. Between the Sith, and Jedi, and all the factions and forces in between. From stories of the Skywalker family to wayward bounty hunters, to strange creatures… And everything in between.
On Comic Book Club’s page, you can read reviews of comic books, and listen to podcast interviews with writers, artists, editors, and actors about everything from the galaxy far, far away.
DC Comics Reverses Market Decline, Karl Mostert Dies At Age 43, Disney And Lucasfilm Launch Star Wars Reads | Comic Book Club News For October 4, 2024
Disney and Lucasfilm launch Star Wars Reads for 2024. Artist Karl Mostert has died at age 43. DC reverses market share decline.
Top 13 Marvel Comics For October 2024
Here are the best Marvel Comics being released in October of 2024, from X-Men and Ultimate Universe and more.
Marvel Teases The “Last Stand” In ‘Star Wars: The Battle Of Jakku’
Get your first look at the covers for all 12 issues of the three miniseries.
Dark Horse Comics Preview: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures–Echoes of Fear #1
The High Republic adventures continue.