Preacher Men: “Monster Swamp”
Jesse and Quincannon have a meeting of minds, as our recap podcast for AMC’s Preacher continues.
Preacher Men is a Preacher podcast recapping AMC’s adaptation of the comics by Steve Dillon and Garth Ennis.
Here’s the official description from AMC:
Based on the popular cult comic book franchise of the same name, Preacheris an absurdly twisted and action-packed thrill ride. When Jesse Custer, a small-town preacher with a criminal past, realizes God is absent from Heaven, Jesse sets out to find Him.
The podcast is hosted by Justin Tyler, Pete LePage and Alex Zalben of the long running Comic Book Club podcast. Tune in every week for commentary, analysis, and more!
Jesse and Quincannon have a meeting of minds, as our recap podcast for AMC’s Preacher continues.
Have you explored “The Possibilities?” If not, check out our recap of the third episode of “Preacher”!
Here’s our recap of the second episode of “Preacher,” coming faster than a chainsaw attached to a severed arm.