Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and artist Ben Stenbeck are launching a brand new comics universe. Marvel planning on releasing new X-Men books every month. Seven to Eternity is getting collected as a massive compendium. All on Comic Book Club News for April 26, 2024.
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Episode Transcript:
Mike Mignola launches a new universe.
Marvel plans new X-Men books every month.
Seven to Eternity gets a compendium.
This is Comic Book Club News for April 26, 2024.
Mike Mignola And Ben Stenbeck Launch New Comics Universe At Dark Horse:
Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and frequent collaborator, artist Ben Stenbeck, are launching a new universe, and not “lunching” a universe like I accidentally wrote down at first.
Called “Lands Unknown,” the fairytale-inspired universe will kick off with an anthology one-shot by the creators titled Bowling With Corpses and Other Strange Tales From Lands Unknown.
Said Mignola via press release: “It all started with an Italian Folktale about a boy who goes bowling with corpses. I fell in love with the story as soon as I discovered it but I wanted to play fast and loose when adapting it, so I created a whole new world. Not TOO different than our world a few centuries ago, but with a lot more gods and monsters. Once I created that world new characters and stories just started pouring out of it. There is a whole lot to play with here and I expect to be at it for a very long time.”
The first book in the “Lands Unknown” universe will release through Mignola’s Curious Objects imprint, at Dark Horse Comics. It will be released as a 112-page hardcover that will hit stores December 3, 2024.
Marvel Planning On Releasing New X-Men Books Every Month:
To paraphrase a very old joke: new X-Men books will continue to be released until morale improves. As revealed in the most recent edition of editor Tom Brevoort’s newsletter, his goal is to release a new X-Men book a month for the foreseeable future.
As frequent podcast listeners know, four X-Men series are being released in July, followed by a more than once-a-month schedule for two of the headlining titles, X-Men and Uncanny X-Men. When asked whether multiple releases would follow in August, Brevoort expanded on his plans.
Said Brevoort: “Yes, Mark. And in September and October, too. Ultimately, I’d like for there to be some X-group new #1 every single month, whether it be a major launch or merely a more targeted limited series.”
July will bring on the first issues of X-Men, Phoenix, X-Force, and NYX. We know August’s big release will be Uncanny X-Men. And Marvel has already teased three more titles that could potentially hit that month as well: X-Factor, Wolverine, and Storm. As for the rest? Stay tuned.
Seven to Eternity Getting Collected As A Compendium:
Seven to Eternity, the critically acclaimed fantasy series by Rick Remender and Jerome Opeña, is getting a massive compendium from Image Comics.
Said Remender: “I couldn’t be prouder of a project than Seven to Eternity. The sum of my relationship with Jerome, which began 20 years ago at Image on Strange Girl, you’ll find no better comic with our names on it. We’re very excited to put the entire tale in one compendium to allow a whole new audience to enjoy the entire journey.”
Though the compendium will include all 17 issues of the series, perhaps surprisingly it will be released in softcover, not hardback. The compendium will be released in stores on September 11.
For Comic Book Club News, I’m Alex Zalben. And now I’m going to go lunch a new podcast.
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