Maria Llovet Returns With New One-Shot, X-Men Forever Reveals Hope’s Parents, Tom King Takes On Jenny Sparks | Comic Book Club News For May 15, 2024

Comic Book Club News May 15 2024

Maria Llovet returns with a new one-shot, All The Things We Didn’t Do Last Night. X-Men Forever reveals Hope’s parents. Tom King and Jeff Spokes take on Jenny Sparks for DC Comics. All on Comic Book Club News for May 15, 2024.


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Episode Transcript:

Maria Llovet returns with a new one-shot.

X-Men Forever reveals Hope’s parents.

Tom King takes on Jenny Sparks.

This is Comic Book Club News for May 15, 2024.

Maria Llovet Returns To Image Comics With New One-Shot:

Maria Llovet is back at Image Comics with a new one-shot. Titled All The Things We Didn’t Do Last Night, the issue is a compilation of the writer/artist’s three-part story from the Image 30th Anniversary Anthology.

Said Llovet via press release: “This one-shot was initially created as an ‘origin story’ of a bigger project of mine, so in this edition I’ve decided to include a lot of extra material and info where the readers will know more about these characters that I love and their future adventures.”

In the story, the Crave creator depicts an art historian who has become a jewelry thief because of some trauma from her past. She goes on a date with a hit man, with both of them not knowing the other is secretly a criminal.

The issue will hit stores on July 3, 2024, and fingers crossed that longer project comes to fruition, because this sounds fun.

X-Men Forever Reveals Hope’s Parents:

One of the longest standing mysteries in Marvel’s comics is the identity of Hope Summers’ parents. Or rather, her father, as when the character was first introduced in 2007, we knew her mother was a woman named Louise Spalding. And now, thanks to X-Men Forever #4 we finally know the answer.

Spoilers past this point. Hope’s other parent? Jean Grey. Or more specifically, the Phoenix.

It’s extremely complicated to explain, but the simplified version is that after Enigma, the original version of Mr. Sinister, traveled back in time to try and manipulate Hope Summers’ birth, Jean Grey also traveled back in time and stopped him. And using the power of the Phoenix, Jean and Louise agreed to create Hope — pun intended — who then grows up to be the Phoenix, herself.

It’s a whole chicken and egg scenario except with a giant firebird. But by issues end Jean is palling around with the Phoenix who is, and has always been Hope Summers. And though they’re two very different circumstances, it’s interesting to see Marvel doubling down on the idea that two women can be parents, albeit in bizarre, superpower-fueled ways, between Jean and Louise, and Destiny and Mystique recently being revealed as the parents of Nightcrawler.

There’s more to come on the Hope, Phoenix, and Jean front as this era of X-Men rockets to its conclusion. But at least we can close the book on one 17-year-old mystery.

Tom King and Jeff Spokes Take On Jenny Sparks For DC Black Label:

Writer Tom King and artist Jeff Spokes are taking on the classic Authority character Jenny Sparks for a new six-issue DC Black Label series appropriately titled Jenny Sparks.

Said King via press release provided to Comic Book Club: “The Spirit of the 20th Century comes to the 21st to try to save five men and women taken hostage by an out-of-control and infinitely powered Captain Atom. Through this lens, we’ll explore the grip of Jenny’s time on our own; how, despite all our desperate prayers, the sins of our past refuse to die away… Jenny Sparks seeks to set the bar in superhero comics, to show how our heroes can illuminate and define our moment.”

Bold words from King, but he’s paid them off with his comic book series so far. The series will carry a 17+ content descriptor, and each issue will run 40 pages, with 28 pages of story. The first issue hits stores on August 21, 2024.

For Comic Book Club News, I’m Alex Zalben. And by a weird coincidence, my mom was also a bird!

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