
Napalm Lullaby #1 Advance Review: Remender Does It Again

Napalm Lullaby #1 advance review

Read our advance, spoiler-free review of Napalm Lullaby #1 from Image Comics, written by Rick Remender with art by Bengal.

We reviewed the book on the Stack podcast. But in the interest of highlighting more about the title, here’s a summary of the conversation with our thoughts. And if you prefer the longer audio version, that’s below as well!

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Napalm Lullaby #1 Review:

In this new series, Remender and Bengal reunite to tell the story of a future society run by a theocracy, and the people who are (maybe) fighting against it.

“This is actually very hard to talk about without spoiling anything, because there are approximately 30 twists that happened in the first couple of pages, where it keeps changing the premise,” kicked off host Alex Zalben. “It’s a Rick Remender book that’s been drawn by Bengal. It’s exactly as wild and giddily violent as you’d probably expect for that sort of thing… It’s also skirting along religious ideas; not parody, but what you’d expect from Remender, in terms of religion and how it affects the world.”

Continued Justin Tyler, “I love getting a new Remender book, as a fan… Every book that Remender does, whether or not it’s right over the plate of your interests, it’s at least good, the arts amazing, and it has big ideas at its core.” Tyler noted that some of Remender’s books, like Low, can get “too dense or complex for some people, are too dark in different ways. But they’re always good, and they’re always unique. And this is just another one in that line. So yeah, definitely get this when it comes out.”

“If Remender’s there, I’m going to show up,” added Pete LePage. “Check it out. For sure. There’s no question. I don’t want to spoil anything, but man. It gets crazy. There’s some crazy s**t that goes down. And I do love the art.”

Finishing up, Zalben compared it to Remender’s prior book Tokyo Ghost in tone and feel, as well as Image Comics’ title East of West in terms of the scope of the mythology.

Naplam Lullaby hits stores on March 6, 2024, from Image Comics.

Napalm Lullaby #1 Official Synopsis:

The bestselling creative duo of RICK REMENDER & BENGAL reteam for NAPALM LULLABY, an all-new, ongoing dystopian epic with a special double-length first issue!

A child with unimaginable power is raised to believe he is God by a cult of zealots utterly confident in the moral authority of their religion. The Magnificent Leader has imposed his will on humanity and created the ultimate theocracy. Join them, or be cast out to suffer with the masses.

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