
Cable #1 Review: Lethal Weapons

Cable #1 review

Read our review of Cable #1 from Marvel Comics, written by Fabian Nicieza with art by Scot Eaton as Cable teams up with Young Cable.

We reviewed the book on the Stack podcast. But in the interest of highlighting more about the title, here’s a summary of the conversation with our thoughts. And if you prefer the longer audio version, that’s below as well!

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Cable #1 Review:

It’s the Fall of the House of X, and Cable… Has business of his own to deal with, with an entirely different techno-organic threat. So of course he recruits a younger version of himself for an action-buddy comedy that out hosts say channels a good Shane Black movie.

Pete LePage kicked things off noting he had a lot of fun seeing the two Cables team up, liked the “weird new villain” and thought the appearance by Grey Gargoyle was a fun surprise.

Justin Tyler thought the issue was a lot of fun, too, and really liked Nicieza’s writing on the issue. Comparing it to the recent team-up of Cable and Bishop, which Tyler liked a lot, “This feels like it’s just a little different from that, and that’s fine. It’s just a gear change from the Cable we’ve most recently seen.”

Alex Zalben, meanwhile, “really enjoyed this… Fabian Nicieza knows his way around writing old Cable.” The repeated bit of Cable telling bad guys they could do it the easy way or the hard way, and then everyone immediately fleeing while Cable wanted to shoot everyone “was very fun… Everything about Young Cable needling Cable about being old? It feels like a Shane Black movie in comic book form.”

Continued Zalben, “I just had a fun time reading this… Scot Eaton’s art, of course, is really really solid… It is very funny to me that Orchis is dealing with a techno-organic virus [plot] but that’s not our deal. We’re doing another thing, we’re doing a completely different techno-organic thing. They could have connected back to the Orchis thing, but as is it’s fine. Let’s get past that. Let’s get on to some fun business and have a good time.”

Cable #1 Official Synopsis:

THE FUTURE MUST NOT COME TO PASS! All the signs are here: The Neocracy is coming – and with it comes not only the end of mutantkind, but all of the humankind as well! As if rescuing Young Nate from the ongoing threat of Orchis weren’t enough, can Cable root out this growing threat and decimate it before the Neocracy has a chance to take hold. But is he already too late to change the future? Don’t miss out on Fabian Nicieza and Scot Eaton’s explosive first issue of CABLE!

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