In DC Comics‘ Wonder Woman #3, written by Tom King with art by Daniel Sampere and Belen Ortega, Diana pays an office visit to Sarge Steel.
We reviewed the book on the Stack podcast. But in the interest of highlighting more about the title, here’s a summary of the conversation with our thoughts. And if you prefer the longer audio version, that’s below as well!
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Wonder Woman #3 Review:
Wonder Woman doesn’t take the stairs in the latest issue of her title, as she tries to find out exactly what is going on with her supposedly murderous Amazon compatriot. Meanwhile, the Sovereign reveals the use of the Lasso of Lies. And Wonder Woman’s daughter gets babysat by the Super Sons in a backup story.
Host Alex Zalben thought the real stand-out here was Daniel Sampere’s art, which he called “stunning.” He also shouted out the pacing that Tom King brings to the issue, leading up to the reveal of Wonder Woman’s Invisible Jet, noting that he just “sat and looked” at that panel.
He also added a trigger warning for the content in this issue in terms of suicidal ideation. Spoilers past this point, but using the Lasso of Lies, The Sovereign convinces a soldier to kill himself. “What Tom King is clearly trying to do here is [focus on] how people in power manipulate the media.”
That said, Zalben added, “I’m still not sold on The Sovereign versus Wonder Woman.” Though King does explain the conflict in this issue, and it’s focused on xenophobia, Zalben felt that if this was a Captain America book the villain would make a little more sense to him. “I don’t know if Wonder Woman exactly works the same way, it feels a little forced in terms of the King of America being upset about immigrants. But I get what they’re going for, and it’s emotionally powerful at the same time.”
However, he was all in on the backup story, calling it, “So much fun. I laughed out loud most of the time. I had such a great time.”
Wonder Woman #3 Official Synopsis:
TRINITY, WONDER WOMAN’S DAUGHTER, MAKES HER BACKUP STORY DEBUT! The Lasso of Lies’ true power is revealed as the Sovereign continues his campaign against Wonder Woman! Could one unsuspecting soldier be the key to defeating our hero? Find out as Diana uses her own lasso in search of the truth about the Amazon massacre. Plus, the return of Trinity! Wonder Woman’s daughter makes her backup story debut in the first of many awe-inspiring adventures from the future.