X-Men Blue: Origins #1 Review: The Feminine Mystique?
Can’t spell “Nightcrawler” without “retcon.” Actually, you can.
Can’t spell “Nightcrawler” without “retcon.” Actually, you can.
This done-in-one issue feels like a great set-up for the BRZRKR anime.
Ramona finally figures out who took Scott Pilgrim… Or does she?
The team from Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant is returning for a new title. Stranger Things is coming to Free Comic Book Day. Former Marvel and IDW employees form new comics company, Pan-Universal Galactic Worldwide. All on Comic Book Club News for November 30, 2023.
That NYC map might not be totally accurate.
Head back to the ’80s with Spider-Man and his amazing friends.
On this week’s Stack podcast for the week of November 29, 2023, we’ve got new comic book reviews for Titans: Beast World #1, The Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War – First Strike #1, and so many more!
Marvel rewrites Nightcrawler’s origin in X-Men Blue: Origins #1. You’ve been looking at the cover of Dark Knight Returns all wrong. DC has launched a memorial for creator Keith Giffen. All on Comic Book Club News for November 29, 2023.