Free Comic Book Day 2018: Everything You Need To Know

Free Comic Book Day

May, is finally here! And as we all know, April showers bring… Aw, who cares? It’s almost time for Free Comic Book Day, bringing together our four favorite words in the English language! Free? Love that word. Comic book? Check and check. Day? One of my favorite things to spend 24 hours with.

But for those of you not versed in the world of comic books — maybe you just came from Avengers: Infinity War, and are hungry for more? — you may have some questions.

Luckily, we’ve got those answers! Here’s everything you need to know about Free Comic Book Day 2018:

When is Free Comic Book Day?

First Saturday of May! It started in 2002, and has often coincided with a large movie release. It’s often coincidental, but after you see that big superhero movie you’re more likely to wander over to a comic book shop. Hours vary by the store, and it’s up to stores whether they want to participate, so be sure to check your local schedule before heading over.

How does Free Comic Book Day work?

This is a tricky one, because it also varies by store. That’s because — and this is a crucial detail — it isn’t free for the stores. They actually have to buy the comics to give away for free. So huge stores like Midtown Comics are often able to give away packs with everything, while smaller stores may offer something with purchase, or your choice of one title.

This is why, IMHO, it’s always important to buy something at Free Comic Book Day, in addition to grabbing some free books.

That said, there are dozen of books from publishers large and small to choose from. Marvel and DC use the occasion to offer big promos of their upcoming titles. Publishers like Archie use the opportunity to push their Riverdale tie-in books. Many smaller publishers put out kid friendly comics and reprints, knowing this is a great chance to snag a new audience.

Either way, don’t just start walking into a store and grabbing things off the shelves… There are specific books published as giveaways, and your friendly store-person will let you know which ones.

How do I find a comic book store near me?

Other than googling it, there’s actually a handy site called Comic Shop Locator that will point you to your local store. If you want to get more granular, check the Free Comic Book Day site’s dedicated shop locator. Or ask a friend! Friends are nice.

That said, just a reminder to call ahead because plans (and store opening times) can change because of the flood of interest for the day.

What’s the Free Comic Book Day logo?

It’s pretty straightforward, actually, and hasn’t changed much over the years:

Free Comic Book Day Logo

Can I get “Infinity Gauntlet” at Free Comic Book Day?

Yes! But not for free. Chances are a lot of folks are going to be looking for Infinity War tie-ins this year, and the classic books will most likely be on sale.

However, Marvel’s two offerings are:

– “MARVEL AVENGERS/CAPTAIN AMERICA,” giving a look at newly launching titles for the publisher’s premiere super-team, and patriotic hero.

– “INFINITY WATCH/AMAZING SPIDER-MAN,” which launches a new run for the Web-Slinger and includes a tie-in to the currently running “Infinity Countdown” event.

That last one might interest you the most… “Infinity Countdown” is about half-done, and has shades of the Marvel movies. It’s leading up to the next big event, “Infinity Wars,” so get on board now!

What are Midtown Comics Free Comic Book Day plans?

We detailed ’em in this post, but the major retailer will have some exclusive free comics, and signings.

How about Newbury Comics?

One of the biggest chains in the Northeast with 28 stores, chances are there’s a Newbury Comics near you. While they haven’t released their specific plans yet, I’d recommend checking with your local outlet. And when they update, we’ll update here!

And New England Comics?

Another big Northeast chain, New England Comics has a bunch of signings and related events. You can check out the full rundown, here!

Is there any relationship with May The Fourth Be With You?

The fourth day of May is a day for celebrating Star Wars, and sometimes falls on a Saturday! However, the punny holiday (it sounds like “May the force be with you”) has nothing to do with Free Comic Book Day. That said, given the proximity — and the fact that May 5th is sometimes called “Revenge of the Fifth” — chances are there may be some Star Wars/FCBD action.

How about Independent Bookstore Day?

The last Saturday in April, some comic book retailers double up and celebrate both Independent Bookstore Day and Free Comic Book Day. But the former is based on Record Store Day, another day that aims to drive folks away from online and back to brick and mortar stores.

What about National Comic Book Day?

Confusingly, there’s another day called National Comic Book Day on September 25. It also has nothing to do with Free Comic Book Day, but is a great excuse to head back to your local comic book shop!

Got additional questions? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll aim to answer ’em!

Be sure to subscribe to our Comic Book podcast which is live every Tuesday night and posts reviews first thing Wednesday morning!

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