UPDATE! Along with Bill Hader on tonight’s show, we’re also excited to welcome Marvel Editor Steve Wacker, who you probably know from his work on Amazing Spider-Man, The Punisher, Daredevil, and way, way more. Hooray!
ALSO! Have you checked out the most recent video on The Nerdist Channel, with Axel Alonso (EIC, Marvel Comics) and Al Madrigal (The Daily Show)? Because you should: http://youtu.be/W8KfhzwPmOc
…And here’s what’s going on this week at Comic Book Club:
Comic Book Club – Live!
Tuesday, April 24th – 7:30pm
Tickets: FREE!
Pianos NYC
158 Ludlow Street
Between Stanton and Rivington
BILL HADER (Saturday Night Live)
STEVE WACKER (Editor, Marvel Comics)
– The show is now totally FREE! And it starts a half hour earlier at 7:30PM!
– We are going to be giving away EVEN MORE COMICS! Everybody rides!
-The show will be taped by BROADWAY VIDEO and posted every WEDNESDAY on the NERDIST youtube channel. Go Subscribe!
-There is an awesome bar IN THE ROOM!
PLUS, free comics, and a $25 gift certificate to Midtown Comics! Holy cow!
And our podcast is part of THE NERDIST NETWORK now?? Check it out here:
AND The Videos of the Live Show every Wednesday at:
Come on down to the live show and be a part of the Podcast and Taping!
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