
DC Comics Preview: Danger Street #11

Danger Street #11 preview header

We’re rapidly headed towards the end of Tom King and Jorge Fornés‘ mad mash-up of DC Comics characters in Danger Street #11. And this preview shows off everything you love about the title: shouting helmets; bloody weirdos; references to dragons. You know, the usual stuff.

Like with any Tom King book, it probably won’t become readily apparent what the story is really about until the end. But if you want some hints and teases, check out the preview pages below.

Danger Street #11 Preview

Check out six pages and the cover from the November 14, 2023 publishing issue here:

Danger Street #11 Official Synopsis:

Heroes and villains alike hasten their quest for the one thing in the Multiverse that assures victory…Fate! But when the pursuit of the Helmet of Fate spells death for some, Lady Cop must turn to the unlikeliest of heroes for help. Could the Dingbats of Danger Street really save them all?

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