Comic Book Club: David Gallaher

David Gallaher returns to discuss “Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1,” his part in DC Comics’ massive crossover! Plus reviews of “Uncanny X-Men #33,” “Thor #7” and “Archie vs. Predator #1”!

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4 thoughts on “Comic Book Club: David Gallaher

  1. Odd that a person who has professionally written stories that feature other people’s creations would come down so heavily upon Star Wars for not being original. Apart from that, while Gallaher may like to rationalize his enjoyment of The Empire Strikes Back by pointing to the fact that Leigh Brackett is credited as a co-writer, her script was actually heavily rewritten by Lucas himself (and later polished by Lawrence Kasdan) due to the fact that Brackett died soon after finishing her draft. (That said, it’s true that the direction by Irvin Kirshner—not Kasdan, as Gallaher mistakenly claims—is superior to that in any of the other entries.)

    It’s a shame he had such a strict fundamentalist upbringing and wasn’t allowed to see the Star Wars films at a young age like a lot of people, but to dismiss the love for the series as being based almost entirely on nostalgia is ridiculous. The series didn’t become a smash hit in the ’70s and ’80s just because of children; people of all ages fell in love with the Star Wars films.

    If he doesn’t like Star Wars, that’s fine, but I’d feel less inclined to criticize his opinion if a) his arguments actually had some kind of merit to them, or b) he simply dismissed it as, “It’s not my thing.”

    1. Yea .. that guy kinda annoyed the shit outta me 🙂

      Hey kudos to Alex, Pete, and Justine for defusing most of the bad situations the guest kept putting them in.

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