Comic Book Club: Cliff Chiang and Jon Gabrus
Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman) and Jon Gabrus (MTV2’s The Guy Code) join the guys for the 11/29/11 show!
Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman) and Jon Gabrus (MTV2’s The Guy Code) join the guys for the 11/29/11 show!
This week, we have the always awesome artist of Wonder Woman – Cliff Chiang – on the show, as well as Comedian Jon Gabrus!
Indie Creator Victor Ochoa (Toxicity) joins Justin and Alex for the 11/22/11 live show! This episode is a bit of a slow burn.
Comedians Andy Schneeflock (Story Pirates) and Neil Turitz (Spurn) hit the stage for the 11/15/11 show to discuss comic books! Comics!
Victor Ochoa, founder of Draw More Inc., visits the stage on November 22nd…
Come check out a great show! Andy Scheeflock (Story Pirates and Atlantic Theater Company) will join us for a nerdy puppet good time!
The Daily Show’s Oren Brimer joins Pete and Alex to talk about his Batman parodies for College Humor.
Comedians Sara Benincasa, Elliot Kalan, and Victor Varnado, join Marvel Editor Tom Brennan for the 11/1/11 show to talk about SHAME ITSELF #1! Plus, things get gross.
Oren Brimer from The Daily Show talks about his Batman videos! Which is way cooler, and less creepy than it sounds!