Ann Nocenti And David Aja Are Growing “The Seeds” For Dark Horse

Today, Dark Horse is pleased to reveal art from Ann Nocenti and David Aja’s The Seeds #1! The Seeds is a new four-issue series by award-winning artist David Aja (Hawkeye, Immortal Iron Fist) and filmmaker, journalist, and comics writer Ann Nocenti (Daredevil, Catwoman). Girl meets alien meets journalist in this eco-thriller love story where fact-based reporting is gasping its last breath, and Mother Nature already has other plans. And what’s with bees? What do they know that we don’t?

The rich have built walls around their wealth and scramble into escape rockets. The romantic and the ruthless cross over into the lawless wilds of Zone-B. A few cantankerous aliens have come to collect the last dregs of humanity’s essence for the celestial embryo bank. One of them falls in love.

The Seeds follows Astra, an idealistic journalist who stumbles into the story of a lifetime, only to realize that if she reports it, she’ll destroy the last hope of a dying world. How far will she go to get her story?

The Seeds #1 goes on sale August 1, 2018, and is available for preorder at your local comic shop.

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