Comic Book Club: Nate Powell
On this week’s live show podcast, we’re welcoming guest Nate Powell (“Fall Through”)!
Nate Powell is a National Book Award–winning cartoonist who began self-publishing as an Arkansas teenager in 1992. His work includes Save It for Later… Civil rights icon John Lewis’s Run: Book One, Come Again, Two Dead, and its follow-up Any Empire… And Swallow Me Whole. Powell was introduced to the hardcore punk community in 1991, played over 500 shows across North America and Europe in various bands. Those include underground legends Soophie Nun Squad and Universe. He managed the do-it-yourself label Harlan Records from 1994 to 2010.
Read reviews of Nate Powell’s comics and books and listen to podcast interviews with the writer and artist here on Comic Book Club’s page.
On this week’s live show podcast, we’re welcoming guest Nate Powell (“Fall Through”)!
On this week’s Stack podcast, we’re reviewing some new books that came out this week, AND checking back in with some of our favorite graphic novels and trade collections that were released this year.
Come Again Nate Powell (w & a & c) As the sun sets on the 1970s, the spirit of the…