Inside Legion: “Chapter 19”
It’s Season 2 finale time, and our Legion podcast is here to break down all the insanity on “Chapter 19″……
It’s Season 2 finale time, and our Legion podcast is here to break down all the insanity on “Chapter 19″……
Writer Julian Voloj joins our comic book podcast to talk about his book, “The Joe Shuster Story: The Artist Behind…
Xena #5 writer: Meredith Finch | artist: Vicente Cifuentes covers: Sergio Davila (A), Vicente Cifuentes (B) Sergio Davila (RI-Virgin), Vicente Cifuentes (RI-B/W),…
Pathfinder Vol. 6: Runescars HC writers: F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter artist: Ediano Silva cover: Igor Lima FC | 168 pages | $29.99 …
Nancy Drew #1 writer: Kelly Thompson artist: Jenn St-Onge covers: Tula Lotay (A) Marguerite Sauvage (B) …
Greatest Adventure HC writer: Bill Willingham artist: Cezar Razek cover: Cary Nord FC | 248 pages | $29.99 | Teen+ COLLECTING…
Transformers: Lost Light #18 James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) LIGHTS OUT! The “Everlasting Voices” trilogy concludes with an…
Tangled #2 (of 3) Liz Marsham, Alessandro Ferrari (w) • Roberto Di Salvo, Rosa Lea Barbera, Various (a) Rapunzel and…
Ash vs Army of Darkness TP writers: Chad Bowers, Chris Sims artist: Mauro Vargas cover: Nick Bradshaw FC | 144…
My Little Pony: The Cutie Re-Mark Justin Eisinger (w) • Various (a) The celebrated animated series comes to book shelves!…