Comic Book Club: Jeff Rubin, Arkham Knight
Jeff Rubin (“The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show”) returns to talk about his current video game obsession, “Arkham Knight,” and…
Jeff Rubin (“The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show”) returns to talk about his current video game obsession, “Arkham Knight,” and…
Neil Turitz (SSN Insider) joins the show to discuss his upcoming superhero movie – and marathoning every Marvel movie, ever….
Brian Heater (Editor, “Tech Times”), Jeff Newelt (“Heeb”) and Jason Serafino (T Lounge) join the show to help review “Walking Dead #144,” “Archie #1” and “Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #2.”
Comedian Sean Reidy returns to the show to discuss… Wait for it… Comic books! Check out the website at…
Marvel Editor Jordan D. White, and comedian Langston Belton return to the show! Check out the website at to…