Comic Book Club: Oren Brimer
The Daily Show’s Oren Brimer joins Pete and Alex to talk about his Batman parodies for College Humor.
The Daily Show’s Oren Brimer joins Pete and Alex to talk about his Batman parodies for College Humor.
Comedians Sara Benincasa, Elliot Kalan, and Victor Varnado, join Marvel Editor Tom Brennan for the 11/1/11 show to talk about SHAME ITSELF #1! Plus, things get gross.
Oren Brimer from The Daily Show talks about his Batman videos! Which is way cooler, and less creepy than it sounds!
Marvel Comics SHAME ITSELF Spectacular! Featuring Editor Tom Brennan, and Comedians Elliot Kalan, Victor Varnado, and Sara Benincasa.
Alex Benepe (Commisioner of the International Quidditch Association) and comedian Ben Kissel hit the stage for the 10/25/11 show.
Comic Book Club gets nerdy in kind of a sporty way with Alex Benepe (The Quidditch Commish).
James Asmus (Generation Hope), Jason Hurley, and Jeremy Haun (The Beauty) hit the stage for the 10/18/11 show.
Jeremy Haun (Detective Comics and Artifacts) and Jason Hurley talk about their new project The Beauty for Top Cow.
Comedian Stan Laikowski hits the stage for the 10/11/11 show, with our preview of New York Comic-Con, and our exclusive new face-based ratings system.
Greg Pak (Alpha Flight, Red Skull) hits the stage for the 10/4/11 show to talk about his books, as well as his lack of a beard.