Comic Book Club: Axel Alonso and Al Madrigal
Axel Alonso (EIC, Marvel Comics) and Al Madrigal (The Daily Show) came on the show to talk about ‘Avengers vs. X-Men’ and their comedy career respectively.
Axel Alonso (EIC, Marvel Comics) and Al Madrigal (The Daily Show) came on the show to talk about ‘Avengers vs. X-Men’ and their comedy career respectively.
Update! Bill Hader had to push off his appearance until our 4/24 show due to a conflict, but good news, you guys! Jon Glaser (Delocated) will be on the show instead, along with Kevin Conroy (Frickin’ Batman)! Oh yeah!
Missed our show with Axel Alonso and Al Madrigal last week? Don’t worry, we’ll have the video and audio cast up on Wednesday; but until then, you can browse a gallery shot by Broadway Video’s Mallory Schwartz:
Bill Hader from Saturday Night Live and Kevin Conroy from Batman The Animated Series join us live on stage!
It’s the second episode of our video show for The Nerdist Channel, featuring Ugly Americans’ Devin Clark and Kurt Metzger! And it’s live on the ‘net! NOW!
Ugly Americans’ Devin Clark (Creator) and Kurt Metzger (Voice of Randall) hit the stage to talk about their upcoming Batman themed episode.
Video too intense for you? Hate to listen to stuff? Then luckily, starting this week we’ll be adding a gallery…
Al Madrigal and Axel Alonso join the show live from Pianos this Tuesday! Get all the info on the show here.
Our first Nerdist Channel show is now LIVE ON THE INTERNET YOU GUYS. It features guests Joe Kelly (Man of Action) and Judah Friedlander (30 Rock).
It’s our first show at Pianos, with guests Judah Friedlander (30 Rock), and Joe Kelly (Man of Action, Ultimate Spider-Man)!