We’re now two issues in on DC Comics‘ Absolute Universe, and it’s relatively clear how the (so far) three different titles in the line are differentiating themselves. While Absolute Batman is balls to the wall madness and Absolute Wonder Woman is big action contrasted with intimate emotion, Absolute Superman is… Well, actually, this book, of the three, is playing its cards closest to its chest — at least two issues in.
Spoilers past this point, but this week’s issue focuses on Kal-El and Lois Lane. And in this universe, Lois isn’t just a soldier working for the Lazarus Corporation, she hates writing. What Aaron does here is compare Kal-El, who lives on a Krypton as a kid all controlled by the all-knowing algorithm; and Lois Lane, who follows orders… Until she’s shown another way. It’ll likely get clearer what the overarching theme of Aaron’s take on Superman is as the issues continue, but it seems likely based on this it’s how he brings individuality to a world governed by conformity.
It also — hopefully — is going to bring on a little slow-burn romance, something that Aaron has proven himself a master of in the past, particularly on the stupendous Once Upon a Time at the End of the World.
However, as of this issue, it’s not quite clear. There’s some phenomenal action courtesy of artist Rafa Sandoval as Superman battles Lazarus’s Peacemakers. And we find out a lot more about this version of Superman’s suit, including how his cape works, and how it was made. All this is world-building and character-building, but Aaron delicately places the crumbs in front of the reader, rather than the full meal.
To be clear, this clearly is written issue by issue. Despite picking up on the action directly where we left off in issue one, Aaron is creating an arc that works for the single issue, as well as the building blocks for the overarching story. But there is a sense that this might be one that will work even better in the eventual Compact Comics collection, reading all 12 issues to tell the complete tale.
Short version of all of this? Absolute Superman #2 is some great comic book storytelling. It might not have the “oh s**t” moments of Absolute Batman, or the whiplash inducing emotional gut-punches of Absolute Wonder Woman. But Aaron and Sandoval are intricately building an exciting new take on the Man of Steel that doesn’t ignore the core principles at play, while carefully dropping clues to the overall mysteries. Plus, Aaron gets Lois in this issue, and the core of her as well. It may take a longer amount of time to effectively evaluate how successful this book is. But it’s going to be a fun ride along the way.
Absolute Superman #2 Rating:
Absolute Superman #2 Official Synopsis:
The Lazarus Corporation sent their most battle-hardened crew of Peacemakers to locate the mysterious fugitive interfering with their mining operations — but they weren’t expecting one motor-mouthed, iron-willed woman to be the one to finally get the cuffs onto him!
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