DC Comics Preview: JSA #2
Read a preview of JSA #2 from DC Comics, written by Jeff Lemire with art by Diego Olortegui, as we flash back in time.
Read a preview of JSA #2 from DC Comics, written by Jeff Lemire with art by Diego Olortegui, as we flash back in time.
Read a preview of Wolverine #4 from Marvel Comics, written by Saladin Ahmed with art by Martín Cóccolo as Logan wrestles a wendigo.
Read a preview of Survival Street: The Radical Left #3 from Dark Horse Comics, by James Asmus and Jim Festante, with art by Abylay Kussainov
Black Canary takes on Lady Shiva to prove who is the best hand to hand fighter in the DCU.
Get your first look at the Christmas-debuting issue.
The supernatural series continues next year.