
Is Batman In ‘The Penguin Finale?

The Batman Robert Pattinson

Just like the Poochie of yore, whenever Batman (Robert Pattinson) isn’t on screen, people should be asking “Where’s Batman?” And that’s exactly what’s been happening for eight episodes on HBO’s The Penguin right through the series finale, “A Great Or Little Thing.” So if you’ve been waiting for the Dark Knight to appear: is Batman in The Penguin finale?

The short — and correct answer — is no, Batman is not in The Penguin finale. But there is a cameo from The Batman anyway, and a tease that Batman is coming to deal with what Oswald Cobb (Colin Farrell) did over the course of the series as the final shot of the episode.

Spoilers for The Penguin past this point.

Starting with the cameo, we’ve already had a few folks drop by from The Batman, including Chief Mackenzie Bock (Con O’Neill), a recast Carmine Falcone (formerly John Turturro, now Mark Strong), and multiple mentions of The Riddler (Paul Dano). In the finale, we get to see one more: Mayor Bella Reál (Jayme Lawson). While visiting City Hall, Oz expresses interest in getting to meet Mayor Reál some day. And while hat meeting doesn’t happen, we do see her on a balcony, far away as Oz gazes at her with a mixture of envy and longing. It’s clear he wants the respect and legitimacy she has, and that probably means bad things for Reál once The Batman Part II comes around.

Speaking of which, the episode ends with a direct tease for the sequel. For weeks of gang murders and street explosions, fans have been wondering why Batman hasn’t gotten involved. I’d argue there are several good reasons why Batman isn’t in The Penguin, but the finale clinches it. As Oz dances with Eve Karlo (Carmen Ejogo), who is dressed as his mother*, they celebrate him taking over the Gotham underworld.

[*It’s pretty messed up, and you can read our The Penguin ending explained for a full recap of just how messed up it is.]

“Gotham’s yours, sweetheart,” Eve tells him. “Nothing’s standing in your way now.”

“You’re goddamn right,” Oz says, as the camera pans to the Gotham City skyline… And the Batsignal turns on.

Batsignal in the penguin finale

The implication is clear… Batman has stayed out of what’s been happening in The Penguin thus far. But with multiple gang leaders — and full gangs — dead, Oz is now a big enough deal that he is very much on Batman’s radar.

While we don’t know if Oz will be the main villain of The Batman Part II, he’ll definitely be showing up there. Count your days, Penguin, because you had eight hours to flex your muscles. But the Dark Knight rises. And he’s coming for you.

The Batman Part II is scheduled to hit theaters on October 2, 2026.

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