Miles Morales Gets A New Vibranium Suit… But Is He Still A Vampire?

Miles Morales Vibranium Suit cropped

At the end of Blood Hunt, Miles Morales was one of the only characters left as a vampire, now able to superhero and suck blood at the same time. And as of October’s Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25, he’ll have another new status quo: a Vibranium suit.

While Marvel‘s press release on the matter was light on details, it teased that the suit would make its debut in the twenty-fifth issue, written by Cody Ziglar and with art by Federico Vincentini. That issue will also feature a cover highlighting the new suit, drawn by Mateus Manhanini. We also know that the suit will be featured in November’s Miles Morales: Spider-Man #26, per the cover for that issue.

So, how does Miles get the suit? Black Panther, probably. Here’s the solicit text for issue #25:

THE BLACK PANTHER COMES TO BROOKLYN! SPIDER-MAN is out of control! His vampiric bloodlust consumes him – just as he will consume everyone he loves to quench his unholy thirst! No one can hope to stop this monstrous MILES MORALES…but BLACK PANTHER is about to step up to the plate. BONUS STORY – MILES and DEADPOOL scribe Cody Ziglar teases all-out war in Brooklyn when The Merc with a Mouth meets Miles Morales!

So yeah, chances are T’Challa gifts Miles his new Vibranium suit. Why he does that, and whether it somehow magically cures Miles of vampirism is TBD. I say the latter because giving a bloodthirsty vampire an even more powerful super-suit seems like a bad idea? But what do I know, I don’t rule Wakanda or anything.

Check out the covers to the issues, below.

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